Program Listing for File QuinticEase.h

Return to documentation for file (lib/Easings/src/easetypes/QuinticEase.h)

 * Easing Functions: Copyright (c) 2010 Andy Brown
 * This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
 * Attribution_ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

#ifndef __1FD00959_9CE3_4d54_B7B3_DE9B1FE8B816
#define __1FD00959_9CE3_4d54_B7B3_DE9B1FE8B816

#include "EasingBase.h"

 * The acceleration of motion for a Quint easing
 * equation is greater than for a Quad, Cubic,
 * or Quart easing equation. */

class QuinticEase : public EasingBase
    using EasingBase::EasingBase; // inherit base class constructors
    // starts motion from a zero velocity, and then accelerates
    // motion as it executes.
    virtual NUMBER easeIn(NUMBER time_) const;

    // starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion to
    // a zero velocity as it executes
    virtual NUMBER easeOut(NUMBER time_) const;

    // Combines the motion of the easeIn and easeOut methods to
    // to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion,
    // then decelerate to a zero velocity
    virtual NUMBER easeInOut(NUMBER time_) const;
