Class Animator

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Class Documentation

class Animator

The Animator class is responsible for handling all animations of objects that inherit from AnimatableObject In the system there can be more than one Animator running at the same time.

Public Functions


Destroy the Animator object.

void add(AnimatableObject *animationToAdd)

Add an animatable object to the Animator. The object is then updated by it.


animationToAdd – Pointer to the object whose animations should be handled by this animator.

void remove(AnimatableObject *animationToRemove)

Remove an animatable object from the Animator. The object is then no longer updated by it.


animationToRemove – Pointer to the object whose animations should not be handled anymore by this animator.


The object must have been added earlier by using Animator::add

void handle(uint32_t state = -1)

To be called periodically as fast as possible. Updates all animation states of all #AnimatableObjects assigned to this Animator.


state – if not -1 any animations currently running are going to be set to an exact state

void setAnimation(AnimatableObject *object, AnimatableObject::AnimationFunction animationEffect, uint16_t duration, EasingBase *easing = nullptr, uint8_t fps = ANIMATION_TARGET_FPS)

Setup all parameters for an animation of an object assigned to this Animator but do not start it.

  • object – Object for which to change the animation for

  • animationEffect – Animation effect that should be used next time an animation for this object is started.

  • duration – Total duration of the animation effect once it is started.

  • easing – [optional] default = NO_EASING; Easing effect to apply “on top” of the animation

  • fps – [optional] default = ANIMATION_TARGET_FPS; Target FPS to run the animation at

void startAnimation(AnimatableObject *object, AnimatableObject::AnimationFunction animationEffect, uint16_t duration, EasingBase *easing = nullptr, uint8_t fps = ANIMATION_TARGET_FPS)

Setup all parameters for an animation of an object assigned to this Animator and start it right away.

  • object – Object for which to start the animation for

  • animationEffect – Animation effect that should be started

  • duration – Total duration of the animation effect

  • easing – [optional] default = NO_EASING; Easing effect to apply “on top” of the animation

  • fps – [optional] default = ANIMATION_TARGET_FPS; Target FPS to run the animation at

void startAnimation(AnimatableObject *object, AnimatableObject::AnimationFunction animationEffect, EasingBase *easing = nullptr)

Setup the most important parameters for an animation of an object assigned to this Animator and start it right away.

  • object – Object for which to start the animation for

  • animationEffect – Animation effect that should be started

  • easing – [optional] default = NO_EASING; Easing effect to apply “on top” of the animation

void startAnimation(AnimatableObject *object)

Starts an animation which was previously setup.


object – Object for which to start the animation for


An animation must already be setup for this object. Either though a call of Animator::setAnimation or a previous Animator::startAnimation call.

void setAnimationDuration(AnimatableObject *object, uint16_t duration)

Set the animation duration of an object assigned to this Animator.

  • object – Object for which to set the suration for

  • duration – Total animation duration in ms once it is started.

void stopAnimation(AnimatableObject *object)

Calls the AnimatableObject::stop function on the given object.


object – Object for which to stop the animation for

void resetAnimation(AnimatableObject *object)

Calls the AnimatableObject::reset function on the given object.


object – Object for which to reset the animation for

AnimatableObject::AnimationFunction getAnimationEffect(AnimatableObject *object)

Get the current animation effect of the object.


object – Object for which to get the current animation for


AnimatableObject::AnimationFunction pointer to the current animation effect function

ComplexAnimationInstance *PlayComplexAnimation(ComplexAmination *animation, AnimatableObject *animationObjectsArray[], bool looping = false)

Starts a complex chain of animations.

  • animation – pointer to the animation that shall be played

  • animationObjectsArray – Array of the objects that shall be animated. The indices for the array are defined in the animation itself

  • looping – Whether the animation shall be looped or not


uint32_t The animation ID of the newly started animation -1 which results to the max 32 bit value represents an error while starting the animation

ComplexAnimationInstance *BuildComplexAnimation(ComplexAmination *animation, AnimatableObject *animationObjectsArray[], bool looping = false)

Builds a complex animation but does not start it.

  • animation – pointer to the animation that shall be played

  • animationObjectsArray – Array of the objects that shall be animated. The indices for the array are defined in the animation itself

  • looping – Whether the animation shall be looped or not


uint32_t The animation ID of the newly started animation -1 which results to the max 32 bit value represents an error while starting the animation

void setComplexAnimationStep(ComplexAnimationInstance *animationInst, uint8_t step, uint32_t state)

set a complex animation to a specific step and state

  • animationInst – animation to use, retrived by calling Animator::BuildComplexAnimation

  • step – Step of the complex animation which shall be executed

  • state – state of the current step

void ComplexAnimationStopLooping(ComplexAnimationInstance *animationInst)

disables looping of the complex animation so that it sops running after the current cycle is done running


animationID – ID of the animation which shall be stopped

void WaitForComplexAnimationCompletion(ComplexAnimationInstance *animationInst)

Blocks exectution of further code until the currently running animation is complete.


animationID – ID of the animation which shall be waited for

void delay(uint32_t delayInMs)

Delays further execution of code without blocking any currently ongoing animations.


delayInMs – time to wait before moving on in ms

Public Static Functions

static Animator *getInstance()

get an instance of the Animator object

struct animationStep

Configuration structure used in the linked list to construct an animation chain.


All three lists have to have the same length. The length also must be consistent across all animation steps. If the system crashes when calling an animation it is most likeley due to missing arrays or missmatched array lengths.

Param arrayIndex:

index of the array position where the objects that shall be animated is located. Set to -1 to ignore

Param animationEffects:

array of animation effects that shall be played back

Param easingEffects:

array of easing effect (“modifiers”) that shall be applied to the animation

Public Members

int16_t *arrayIndex
AnimatableObject::AnimationFunction *animationEffects
EasingBase **easingEffects
struct ComplexAmination

Configuration structure for a complex animation.


All list elements must have the same array length

Param animationComplexity:

Maximum of how many animations can be triggered at the same time

Param LengthPerAnimation:

How long one of the animations in the chain should last for

Param animations:

list of animation steps that shall be played in sequence

Public Members

uint8_t animationComplexity
uint16_t LengthPerAnimation
LinkedList<animationStep*> *animations
struct ComplexAnimationInstance

Public Members

ComplexAmination *animation
bool loop
uint16_t counter
AnimatableObject **objects
bool running