Struct Animator::animationStep

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Class Animator.

Struct Documentation

struct animationStep

Configuration structure used in the linked list to construct an animation chain.


All three lists have to have the same length. The length also must be consistent across all animation steps. If the system crashes when calling an animation it is most likeley due to missing arrays or missmatched array lengths.

Param arrayIndex:

index of the array position where the objects that shall be animated is located. Set to -1 to ignore

Param animationEffects:

array of animation effects that shall be played back

Param easingEffects:

array of easing effect (“modifiers”) that shall be applied to the animation

Public Members

int16_t *arrayIndex
AnimatableObject::AnimationFunction *animationEffects
EasingBase **easingEffects